This Is Us
Prayer and Worship
Prayer and Worship
Prayer and Worship
Our upcoming Men Of The Cross Men's Retreat will be Thursday, March 6 through, Saturday, March 8, 2025.

Ocean Park Community Church

Discover the Love and Salvation of The Lord Jesus Christ

We are a small, country church that loves The Lord. We are encouraged to see God at work in the lives of His people. Join us as we seek The Lord.

On September 11, 1947, a Gospel-centered church began its service in Ocean Park, Washington. Since then, many have visited, attended, served and/or lead in the work of loving the people and preaching the Word. We invite you to praise GOD with us as we seek and celebrate GOD, Who is faithful. We are thankful for everyone who has had a part in the ongoing ministry of Ocean Park Community Church over the last 75 years.

This Week's Bulletin
About Us
Worship Videos
Worship Videos
Our Team
Our Team

We are a Bible-Centered Church

OPCC members believe the Word of God.

The Bible is central for all growth in a Christian's life. (Matthew 28:18-20)

We base all our programs on the Bible.

We are a Family Church

We encourage older children to worship with their parents on Sunday.

We provide several small groups designed for the whole family.

We are a Small Church

We emphasize developing and sustaining strong Christian friendships.

We share our lives together in Fellowships following the morning service and enjoy special family and outreach activities together.

We keep our church involvements simple to enhance each believer's walk with God and available time with their family.

Although we're a small church, we work both close to home and support various ministries worldwide. (Acts 1:8: Matthew 28:18-20)

We are a Discipling Church

We emphasize discipling the whole family as the unit God intended it to be.

We emphasize reaching into our local community with the Good News of the forgiveness of sins through the Lord Jesus Christ.

We practice personal discipleship for everyone who desires is encouragement and its strengthening accountability.

We provide a church community training time on Sunday mornings to equip members for various ministries.