Our Church Bulletin

Church Bulletin

March 9, 2025




Hymn "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus"




Songs Of Praise

"Here I Am To Worship"

"Holy Forever"



Ministry In The Word

Pastor Marty Cole

"All In The Master's Plan"

Hymn  "I Love To Tell The Story"


In Our Prayers This Week

Church Family

Rita Hall

Shirley Hensley

Village Missionary Spotlight

Steve & Lisa Rief

Steve and Lisa Rief
Redland, OR

Redland is in rural Clackamas County about 20 miles southeast of Portland. Most residences are on multiple acre lots and many have horses, livestock, or hay fields. This beautiful area was once home to vast berry farms; today Christmas tree farms and small ranches dot the area. Redland is primarily a bedroom community for the nearby metro area. Prayer Requests: 1) Please pray for us as we reach out to the Redland community with monthly Family Fun Nights and our Free Zone Clothing Outlet -- stocked with clothing and necessary items. 2) Pray for our ministry to women as we create gift baskets for mothers who choose life. 3) Pray for continued unity among our church board and church body. Pray that we would humbly evaluate all we do by His Word.

OPCC Missionary Spotlight

Andy & Keeky Smith

Andy and Karina "Keeky" Smith
Shepherd's Heart International Ministry

Andy and Karina (Keeky) Smith helped found Shepherd’s Heart International Ministry in the Buvuma Islands of Uganda for the purpose of empowering Ugandan Christian leaders to minister most effectively among the remote island villages. Andy and Keeky are currently serving in a missionary capacity as the Directors of Village Ministry for Alaska Village Missions, based in Homer, Alaska. Andy also teaches Bible and Missions at Alaska Bible Institute, where Karina serves as the Campus Nurse and homeschools David and Johnathan. Learn more.



Koffee Koinonia after our service -- all are welcome! Please join us for warm beverage and a snack!

Monday, March 10

10:00 a.m. -- Ladies Bible Study, "Discerning The Voice Of God," Chapter 8.

Tuesday, March 11

7:00 a.m. -- Men of The Cross

Wednesday, March 12

6:30 p.m. -- Power Up! Prayer Session

Sunday, March 16

10:00 a.m. -- No Sunday School this week

Upcoming Events

Monday, March 17

10:00 a.m. -- No Ladies Bible Study this week.

Sunday, April 20

6:00 a.m. -- Easter Sunrise Service

10:00 a.m. -- No Sunday School

11:00 a.m. -- Easter Morning Worship